Puppy Preschool
in Home Puppy Programs
Puppy Preschool
in Home Puppy Programs
Puppy Preschool
in Home Puppy Programs
We offer a specialised Puppy Preschool to help teach you how to make sure your cute puppy grows into a happy and respectful member of your family.
Our classes are designed to be fun and Informative, so that both you and your puppy are excited about learning.
The program is based on building your puppy up to be a confidant and respectful dog, through the use of confidence building exercises, correct socialisation, foundation obedience and owner education.
Puppy Preschool is a structured course run over 4 weeks consecutive weeks. We offer classes at two different locations, during the week and over the weekend.
Each program covers the following:
· Puppy Care — Health, well-being and grooming.
· Biting and Chewing
· Basic Obedience
· Feeding Time — The correct way to feed your dog, preventing food aggression.
· Toilet Training
· Confidence Building
· Environment Enrichment
· Crate Training
· Socialisation — Correct way to interact with people and dogs.

upcoming classes
Pacific Vet Care Coffs Harbour - Saturday
Moonee Beach Vet - Tuesday Evenings
** New class times can be added on demand, so please ensure to send in an enquiry if the above dates don't suit.