One on One
In Home Consultations
To have a successful result, the program needs to fit into your lifestyle. We understand that if the program cannot work into your daily routines, the chances are the program will not work long term.
Our programs are based on working with your dogs natural behaviours and showing you how to understand what your dog is communicating to you.
Steve will assess your dogs current circumstances and lifestyle to help you make adjustments to areas that are causing or affecting your dogs unwanted behaviours. Most importantly, Steve will show you how to build a happy and healthy bond with your dog.
Most behavioural issues will require more than one consultation for you to receive the desired result you are after.
Programs include
In home consultation - This consulation is conducted in your home. During this time, Steve will address any behavioural issues you are having with your dog and show you how to start to manage and change these behaviours. Depending on the issues being addressed, Steve will hit the local streets and shops with you to make sure a full assesment and managment plan can be implemented.
**** Each program comes with free phone support ****